Blinded by the Darkness

Pedro Tosta
2 min readSep 3, 2020

I choose to think that life is light, and we cannot see light if we are blinded by the darkness.

Being in the dark, for me, is being in a mental state of pure negativity and fear.

When we are living life through the lens of fear and negativity, we can’t see things clearly.

Life is light, and to see it and experience it we need to be in the right state of mind.

We need to remove negativity and fear.

Much is said about “how to live life”, and the truth is that there is no one right way. Actually it would be very boring if it did, what makes life beautiful is its diversity.


There is one wrong way to live life, and it’s the way 99% of people live:

Through fear and negativity.

Look around, watch how people behave around you.. Always worried, always in hurry, always feeling bad, always comparing themselves to each other.

Always blind.

It’s hard to be different, society seems to be programmed to live in fear, it’s the norm and because it is the norm we assume we should copy.


We cannot see when we are blind.

And how can blind people help other blind people to see?

Great spiritual leaders from the past, enlightened people, knew the truth about life and they knew the importance of seeing the good.

They knew that fear was an illusion and that it could kill life for us.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8

Jesus could see, he was not blind.

Only by living life through the lens of love, gratitude and positivity, can we truly see life.

It’s so simple, and yet so hard.

But with practice it can be done.

